General conditions of transport and storage of products

Dystrybucja i sprzedaż

General conditions of transport and storage of products

  1. During transport, the material should be protected against damage and the direct impact of changing weather conditions (moisture, rain, snow).
  2. Transport by an open car without proper protection of the goods is unacceptable, especially in changing weather conditions (rainfall, snow and high humidity).
  3. In the event of dampness of aluminum or steel elements during transport, it should be unconditionally dried before storage.
  4. Extreme caution must be exercised when unloading and loading. To avoid mechanical damage.
    IT IS FORBIDDEN TO: throw elements, pull elements, single-point lifting of particularly long elements that may be distorted. Provide transport to the roof without causing damage.
  5. Unloading and manual loading should be carried out by an appropriate number of people, ensuring an appropriate number of support points, without causing deformation of profiled sheets and profiles. Moving the sheets on each other or on the substrate risks damaging the anti-corrosion coatings and leaving scratches.
  6. Profiles made of galvanized sheets should be stored immediately after delivery to the construction site in such a way that spacers are inserted between the sheets to allow free air circulation.
  7. Products intended for longer storage should be inspected and properly secured. Profiles made of galvanized sheets in the case of longer storage should be covered with a layer of oil and stored in accordance with point 6
  8. When storing the delivered goods (packages, pallets), the following rules should be followed: pallets, packages should be stored in a dry, ventilated place; They should be placed in such a way that rainwater that got between the elements could easily drain, pallets, packages should be stored in such a way that they do not threaten safety, in the case of elements covered with foil, they should not be stored longer and should not be exposed to prolonged sunlight – it causes difficulties in removing the foil.
  9. The delivered goods, especially controls, actuators and other electrical accessories should be stored in clean, dry and ventilated rooms. They should be protected against sudden temperature changes and moisture. It is recommended to maintain a minimum safe distance from the ground to ensure insulation from moisture and air circulation.
  10. It is recommended to store and transport goods on one layer without piling up individual pallets with goods. It is not allowed to store material on top of each other. This can cause damage to individual components.
  11. During installation, galvanised products should be shielded from bad weather conditions. Do not expose the galvanised surface to sand, impact with hard elements, friction of their surfaces, swarf, sparks, corrosive substances, etc.
  12. After installation, it is imperative to clean the surface of aluminum, steel or polycarbonate profiles from filings, screws and other impurities.
  13. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in damage to the zinc layer, scratching of the profiles and the formation of corrosion, efflorescence and discoloration within a few days, i.e. in the case of galvanized sheets, white layers loosely bonded to the substrate, which do not provide protection against corrosion
  14. Any complaints caused by transport and storage of products inconsistent with these instructions will not be taken into account.
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